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Myofascial Release Therapy

What is myofascial release therapy?

Myofascial release therapy approaches the body in a holistic way, working with the entire fascial system, not just isolated muscles. It is based on the premise that the body’s connective tissue – the fascia – is one continuous structure that covers and connects every muscle, bone, nerve, and organ.

Myofascial release therapy focuses on releasing tense tissues that cause chronic pain, disability, and poor quality of life. It stretches the fascia to release muscle tightness and lengthen contracted muscles, to restore movement.

What are the benefits of myofascial release therapy?

Reducing tone or tension of tissues, muscles, and myofascial trigger points can improve the patient’s quality of life by significantly reducing pain and improving range of motion and mobility. Treatment promotes improved mechanics and circulation and allows for normal stimulation of muscle tissues. In addition, many patients also report improved sleep quality, reduced stress levels, and an overall sense of wellbeing.

What causes tense tissue and muscle pain?

Tense tissues and muscle pain occur when the fascia becomes restricted due to trauma, repetitive stress, or inflammation, which can it can lead to pain, muscle tension and restricted movement. The pain is typically referred from the actual source of the pain, the pain generator, to tender points or trigger points.

What are the symptoms that can be treated with myofascial release therapy?

Symptoms that can be treated include muscle pain and tightness that impairs motion and can pull the body out of alignment and puts excessive pressure on joints.

What conditions can be treated with myofascial release?

This safe and effective technique can be used to treat a wide variety of dysfunctions due to a loss of function or flexibility after an injury or chronic muscle conditions anywhere in the body.

It is employed to improve myofascial pain syndrome (muscle pain), a chronic disorder that causes pain and inflammation in muscles and the fascia.  Other conditions amenable to myofascial release therapy include migraine headaches, chronic neck and back pain, carpal tunnel syndrome, TMJ disorder, fibromyalgia, chronic pain, shin splints and much more.

How is myofascial release therapy performed?

Myofascial release therapy breaks down these restrictions using gentle, sustained pressure and release techniques to restore balance and proper functioning to the body. This process is often slow and gentle, as the fascia responds best to this type of treatment. Complementary treatments include the use of over-the-counter pain medications, heat and icing, and self-stretching, acupuncture, physical and occupational therapy.

Myofascial release therapy sessions involve an initial assessment to identify the source of the restrictions and evaluate the extent of lost function and symmetry. It is a small piece of the recovery process for patient’s and aides in getting them back to an active program, which will yield longer term functional results.

Schedule a consultation

When you or a loved one suffers from chronic pain and dysfunction, contact CAO Sports Performance and Therapy to discover how Myofascial Release Therapy can improve your pain and quality of life. We have physical therapy offices in California, Leonardtown, and Waldorf, Maryland for your convenience.

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