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Fred’s Chronic Shoulder Pain Patient Story

Posted on: May 15th, 2024 by Our Team

Fred is a Leonardtown resident with a real passion for outdoor recreational sports, particularly skiing, pickleball, and kiteboarding.

He came to us in Fall 2023 with complaints of radiating shoulder pain and stiffness. After a pulling injury while wakeboarding earlier in the summer, he was struggling with persistent shoulder dysfunction. It was found that he had severe shoulder arthritis and sub-acromial impingement. Treatment first focused on reducing his pain and improving his mobility, using strategies such as shoulder stretches, joint mobilizations, and cryotherapy. Fred became less painfully stiff, and treatment then shifted to strengthening and stability training. His strengthening steadily progressed from isolated strengthening exercises, to dynamic and loaded compound (whole body) tasks. It was not uncommon to find Fred dutifully working through challenging tasks such as pikes, push-ups, Turkish get-ups, sled pushes, ball slams, and plate carries. Reactive and control training were essential to include given his established participation in water sports, which involve a lot of push/pull moments, torque forces, and endurance. By mid-December, Fred was feeling ready to pursue a family ski trip and a return to the water.

Solid effort, Fred!! You were fantastic to treat and we’re so proud of you! We were always so impressed by your work ethic and upbeat attitude! We wish you the very best.

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